So remember that hip little acoustic music venue that I said I was going to try to play at in Michigan? Well, even though it wasn't quite as "hip" as I expected, I did end up playing two songs at the February edition of their monthly open mic night.
The Ark. It was actually pretty sweet. Beautiful acoustics. The sound was great. I shared the stage with some pretty interesting folks. Like this guy who sang "Laredo" about the time when his significant other attacked him with a knife and he had to take her life. Or a rather obscene grandpa who told the story of his old drinking buddy with vulgarities that I haven't heard since....middle school!
In any case, it ended up being fun. And I've posted the two videos of my performance on youtube for your viewing pleasure.
Please let me know what you think.
While I was in Ann Arbor, I also saw a live show by a guy called Laith Al-Saadi